Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Finished Project: Entrelac Shawl

Here is an Entrelac shawl that I have been working on for some time. The pattern used is Motley from Knitty.com. The yarn is Malabrigo Worsted Merino Yarn - 125, and the color is 125 Mariposa. Here are the finished photos... Enjoy!

The pattern can be found at Ravelry here: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/motley-2
And at Knitty here: http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEdf10/PATTmotley.php

Finished Project: Colette Crepe Dress

I finished my first dress! It is everything I had hoped for. The class I took at JP Knit and Stitch in Boston was a perfect way for me to venture into clothing territory with my sewing. I only have a few photos of the finished dress. These were taking at my cousin's wedding over the weekend. The dress is the perfect mix of a light summer dress and class that it fit right in with the wedding attire. My number one priority when dressing up is comfort and that things stay where they are supposed to. I highly recommend this dress for someone who wants to try a sewing challenge.
Here are the photos I have so far... I am too excited to wait until I have time for an official photo shoot in the dress.

Thanks to JP Knit & Stitch for the class and to Jeanne, our teacher. As I moved recently from Boston to Illinois and will soon be moving to Australia, this dress will surely make the cut of must keep clothing!