Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Painting In Progress

 Part of 'This Was Yosemite' series. 10 April 2014. Oil Paint on Canvas ~42"x42"

Monday, May 6, 2013

Break Time

Hi All,
 I am going to take a small break from posting on this blog. I began an artist residency at Culture At Work in Sydney on May 1st. As a result, I will be documenting the continuation of Sky Comparison on a new site dedicated solely to that project. Hop on over to to stay involved with my work. See you in a few months.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Borrowed Time - Lucas Ilhein's Environmental Audit

Lucas Ihlein, an artist based in New South Wales, AUS, posited environmental questions during the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia's 2010 exhibition In the Balance: Art for a Changing World.
Here he is discussing artistic impact as it relates to the function of art exhibitions. He brings up useful points that artists often don't think about 'in the moment' of exhibition set up.

Lucas Ihlein's blog for the environmental audit:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sky Comparison In Perspective - Mapping the Distance,-119.814148&spn=0.801818,1.315613

Sky Comparison

Friends and family across North America have taken time out of their days to look at the sky. Reflections were emailed and through me, posted on this blog. In a few weeks time, this project will spread in a new way across Australia, primarily New South Wales. This map shows the current reach of Sky Comparison. I look forward to expanding this project and creating dialogue across continents.

Stay tuned for my work while in residence at Culture At Work in Sydney.

Sky Comparison - Charlottesville, Virginia USA

Charlottesville, Virginia USA

  30 March 2013 - 6:51 AM

Early morning, quiet mind, few thoughts, aware of the stillness and coolness outside, surprised by how light the sky is considering how dark it still seems to be outside.

Sky a much lighter and paler blue than the dark panel.

1:00 AM 1 January 2013 - #2 Day 2 - South Windsor, New South Wales AUS

30 March 2013 - 1:50 PM

Relieved kids just went down for a nap, but frustrated dog just rolled in poop! Thoughts about beautiful sky and first time I noticed clouds today. Grateful for looking up.

Sky a much softer, lighter blue with fluffy white clouds than the dark panel.

4:00 AM 1 January 2013   - #5 Day 2 - South Windsor, New South Wales AUS

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sky Comparison - New York, USA

Queens, New York USA

  26 February 2013 - 10:15 AM

In the garden looking up at the sky before adding birdseed to the feeder.

Sky a little more ultramarine than sample panel.

5:00 PM 1 January 2013 - #18 Day 2 - South Windsor, New South Wales AUS

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sky Comparison - Burlington, VT

Burlington, Vermont USA

  26 February 2013 - 3:28 PM

It feels lie spring and I am anxious about making decisions for the next few months.

The color panel feels cold like steel, where as the sky is turning blue after a long week of cold and grey.

9:00 AM 2 January 2013 - #10 Day 3 - South Windsor, New South Wales AUS