Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This is the beginning.

Hi Everyone or No one,
I have given in to the blog universe. As an avid reader of blogs, I have decided that I have something to share. More importantly, I have a lot to learn. This blog is a journal of sorts for my 1st semester research while I pursue my Master's in Fine Arts from the Vermont College of Fine Arts.

The process I am engaged in while working is directly tied to the transient qualities of memory in the individual. This research will hopefully begin to help me clarify what I mean by that. In addition, I am interested in pursuing a material analysis as a means to relate my history and interests with my chosen tools and their origin in relation to their social, political, and ecological impacts. This journal will focus on my findings concerning the background of any given material in my studio. Examples include but are not limited to Williamsburg paint, Gamblin paint, Old Holland paint, Gamsol, Mineral Spirits, paint brushes and canvas.

My main reason for have a public journal is because I may be wrong. There are misleading studies in any subject. As a result, I encourage you, the reader, to challenge me and if inclined to do so, give me resources that will aid me in my pursuit.

And with that. Here I go.

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