Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Making Paint Or Trying To - Leaves and Flowers

Attempt #1 - Making paint with leaves and flowers.

The other day, I decided to grind up fallen flowers and leaves. Neither of these attempts went well. The flowers were still alive and wet, while the leaves were dead and crunchy. I will let the mashed flowers dry on paper for a few days. As for the leaves, I may have to take them to a science lab for some grinding with liquid nitrogen... Or maybe I could get a pepper grinder to do some of the work... Feel free to share your ideas with me.

Photo Documentation

Making Paint with Flowers

Making Paint with Dried Leaves

I will have to do some more thinking on how to use leaves and flowers in paint making....

1 comment:

  1. boil them in water, then use the water to colour your paint.
