Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Material Limitations of Painting

 The question of materiality undoubtedly arises in every group critique. Chosen materials influence the viewer's contextual relationship to a piece. Every material includes cultural, emotional, situational, ecological, and personal significations. Rather than analyze artistic choices in the making process, this lecture focuses the lens on disciplinary subjectification. Dr. Stephen Little questions the material limitations with in the discipline of painting. This presentation brings up some interesting points regarding material specificity and it's relationship to a disciplinary practice.

Dr. Stephen Little presented his paper titled, "Painting In Transit: A Re-mapping of Paintings Changed Terms of Reference." at the Transdisciplinary Conference 2010 which took place at ArtSpace.

Information regarding the 2010 conference and future events can be found here: Tansdisciplinary Research: At the Intersections Between Art Science and Culture

Here is a link to the audio file of Dr. Little's presentation.

As a painter who is currently working in collage, this paper was very informative for me. I have some research to do on Ludwig Wittgenstein's relational theories as well as Rosalind Krauss's material specificity.

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