Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sky Comparison: Denver, Colorado

Denver, Colorado USA

16 February 2013 - 3:16 PM

The Sky is one place of wonder and expansive awe that is available for everyone on the planet to see (rich/poor, urban/rural, south/north). It is a place that is somewhat under-looked and it is filled with so many things that we don't simple "see." As I did this I was thinking about how there is really a lot of debris flying around in the universe at times and I wonder in actuality how close that debris has come to be dangerous and we didn't even know it. How many close calls have we endured that we don't even know about? This was in partial reference to the meteor hitting Russia yesterday.

My colored square was lighter, more natural, and grayer than the sky above my head which was pure, beautiful, cobalt-like blue with no other colors anywhere to be seen.

8:00 PM 1 January 2013 -  #21 Day 2 - South Windsor, New South Wales AUS

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