Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Buying Canvas in Australia

     Today, I purchased my first bit of canvas in Australia. I found a few websites that cater to the buying in bulk crowd. The Sydney Canvas Company and Wholesale Canvas Australia seem to be the most affordable. Not to mention they both have reasonable shipping deals. WCA shipping is free and SCC shipping cost $20.00, but theirs will arrive the same day!
      The Sydney Canvas Company was a little less expensive and they had gesso and other artist materials for sale that I needed, so I decided to buy from them. I spoke to the owner over the phone to complete my purchase. I even dared to ask about where these materials are manufactured and how. I think I caught him a bit off guard. None the less, he told me where the canvas is made and primed. He offered to let me come in sometime and have a chat with him about the places he outsources from and anything else that might help my research!
      This is what I know so far. I purchased an 8oz roll of 25m x 72" (It seems strange that they use metric and imperial measurements, oh well.) This canvas is made in Maharashtra, India. I ordered unprimed canvas. The owner did mention that any priming is done in Indore, India. He has personally visited both of these places. Hopefully soon I will go in and talk with him about the manufacturing process!

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